A comical look at boss strategy and gaming in World of Warcraft and other games.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Guest Comic Dos!
This guest comic brought to you by a good friend, Oph, who frequently satirizes lots of things in WoW. He has another comic idea that I need to draw up and he will forever live on in infamy thanks to the obvious wild popularity of this comic.
Also, for those of you that are members of the Winter Wolves forums, you can now read this blog through their website as the RSS feed links directly to a blog I have there.
Life is crazy, NaNoWriMo is being a fairly decent success, and I move to Washington in 5 days. Internet goes away... in 2. Sadness. Well, the desktop goes away in 2. I will actually have a netbook for the point of travel. Huzzah!
Friday, November 5, 2010
Winter Wolves Terms Part Three!
And it might be the final installment, but as I believe there are many years of gaming left to come with the Winter Wolves Community, there will probably be more terms to define and explain for the n00b. Excitement continues to unfold as I'm actually posting. We skipped October, but to be fair, October was pretty insane in terms of busyness for me and what time I would have spent potentially making a comic I instead spent doing other, more.... engaging things. Not that this isn't engaging, it's fun. But not as fun as compared with... my birthday, and Aquatica... and going camping at an SCA event with horses and driving up to Washington D.C. for an amazing Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear. I found Waldo. Five times. And Carmen San Diego, she was totally in Washington D.C. Halloween weekend. So now you know where in the world she WAS. Take that.
And of course there is always the end of expansion blues. No one is playing, the players who do apply are terribad. We cancel raid more often then we run. You would THINK that this means more comics for you. Oh no, my friend, it means finishing ZG rep before Blizzard removes the instance entirely. It means completely the Scepter of the Shifting Sands questline for opening AQ (I want my Draconic for Dummies!) It means farming the FUCK out of Blackwing Lair because you need so much goddamn elementium for the Scepter questline and the drop rate still sucks.
But it's fun too. Plus November is the time for NaNoWriMo. So be surprised everyone, that I am putting comics up in November when I need to be writing 1667 words a day! I can kinda get this all done and watch Bones and Glee because I kinda quit my job. Resigned is a softer word, and really I left on good terms. Cause I'm moving. I'd say expect delays in posting but that's kind of par for the course.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
Trashless Instances are Fun!
Friday, July 16, 2010
Guest Comic!
This lovely comic is created by Vayl, who I think wouldn't want me to put his real name out on the internets so unless he tells me otherwise, I will respectfully not do (Screw you, RealID)
Anyway, he asked if I would be willing to have a guest contribute, and I don't see why not, lots of other people do that and I'm a lemming like that. Not that lemmings randomly jump off the edges of cliffs into the sea, that's a wonderful urban myth/legend Biological fact of the day for you. Of course it doesn't stop the phrase from being widely popular and used.
Irregardless (or Regardless, they mean the same thing so my husband will tell you), it's not a bad thing. And it means I can stock up on comics so that I post fairly regularly without much effort. It's a devious plot.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Back by Popular Demand: Terms 2
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Say what?!
I've made the switch to Chrome from Firefox and I love it already. The real test will come when I start having multiple tabs PLUS WoW plus Netflix or Hulu open because that seems to be how I crashed Firefox a lot. Time will tell ;D
I've also gone through and taken all of these comics, which are drawn and (recently) colored by hand, and organized them in a binder. Rest assured the originals are intact thanks to plastic sleeves, but now it feels like I actually have an artist's portfolio as I've also included my recent artwork unrelated to the comic. It's nice though, having it all organized and protected, especially since none of it is in a journal or bound paper. Yay looseleaf. I also like how cardstock is working. It's nice and stiff (hahah), doesn't wrinkle easily, and can hold up if I feel like playing with watercolor.
For those that are interested, the color in these comics has all been done with water color pencils, I just haven't added water. But I like how the color looks on the page compared to crayola colored pencils (I'm too cheap to have anything more expensive than that).'
In terms of the comic, I'm sure all raid groups and guilds have a language that seems to be all their own. Sure there might be crossover of terms, but these are what Winter Wolves raiders use most. Our fall back language that every new recruit comes to learn, know, love and abuse extensively. There is, of course, potential for expansion.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Nyquil Induced Ruby Sanctum
Oh I failed so hard tonight. Go me for assuming autopilot would work. I blame the sinus infection/cold that's currently plaguing me. The Puffs Plus have not left my side since they were purchased at Target today.
More shoutouts to Weasel, who is always on my back about updating this darn blog. I should go to bed now though. The Nyquil is kicking in.
Though while I'm at it, here's a PSA from yours truly regarding RealID. My thoughts on it are: If you don't want your name plastered all over the internet, don't bother posting. Simple as that. This blog gives out more information about myself than anything I might post on Blizzard forums with the new system would. So there we go.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Insert Dragony Name Here
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Tales from the Crypt: Exceptions
Friday, June 25, 2010
Guide to Raid Etiquette
A Pause in Your Regular Programming
I just realized I haven't made a Part 2 for Arthas. I'll work on that tomorrow. In the meantime, have the Cliff Notes version of a raid of Mount Hyjal at Level 80+. It was kind of a joke though the trash was still annoying.
And there are more gorillas.
Since we last left our heroes, your intrepid author/artist has acquired a much niftier mouse, been blamed for many MANY wipes, imbibed much alcohol and ignored lots of complaints about the frequency of her updates on this blog. Bite me.
In other news, I'm going diving this weekend! So excited! We'll be hitting up Ginnie Springs and Paradise Springs in Northernish Florida.
Also, Real ID has hit the stores, yo. If you happen to wish to talk to me while I play WoW, add me at amye (dot) mckenna (at) gmail (dot) com . I like thinking I really have friends.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Tastes like Cherry!
So Hard Modes have been started. I can't tell you how excited I am. This is such great news. It really makes me glad to be doing things like this because of the frequency of my death. I love dying a lot. It's awesome.
I hope the sarcasm translated.
I think I need to get a non-battery powered mouse as I think the one I have is dying and causing me to screw up. Yes, I'm blaming some of my fail on my equipment. It's a perfectly valid, legitimate excuse.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
I am the Lucid Dream....
As we finally did kill the Lich King, we moved on to Ulduar Hard Modes so we can all fly around on 310% speed Ironbound Protodrakes. Given the fact that our raid has nearly had complete turnover in the year since we had been in Ulduar (it was exactly a year ago that we reached P2 of Yogg. My Achievements said so) and that some of our raiders had never been to Ulduar (Thaaaaanks Blizzard for making gear so easy), it went surprisingly smoothly.
If there's one thing I need to say though, it's that I really really miss the Yogg Saron fight. Arthas was a fucking mess. Yogg though... Yogg was a dance. An intricate, delicate and graceful dance that had to be executed fucking perfectly. You were fighting an Old God. And you felt that way.
We will get One Light. I know it.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Ding Dong the Lich King's Dead, the Wicked King, The Lich King's Dead
Tonight we finally managed to 'kill' Arthas, Leader of the Scourge of the North, bearer of Ner'zhul, the Lich King. Of course, if you're at all familiar with how that ends well... I won't spoil it, so long as you don't tell me how LOST ended. I'm still on Season 3.
Of course as my raiding family will be quick to tell you, at about 15% I ended up DIing the blamewarden, which in my defense, seemed like a good idea at the time. Both tanks were down, I thought we were at 25%, and I thought we had no battle rezzes. Turns out, I was incorrect. I'm sure I'll have the chance to redeem myself next week. Not like that will ever stop them from mentioning it over and over again.
The only problem his defeat brings is that my husband will try and hold me to a statement I made to the effect of "I'll quit when Arthas dies". He tried to make that true for 10 man... but I pushed it off to 25. Hopefully he has forgotten about it. Hopefully he won't hold me to it. I really want to keep playing into Cataclysm. I want LifeGrip and my own Angel!
This kill has been dedicated to Feolas. Raid Leader Extraordinaire.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Good News Everyone!
We're actually waiting on a few people to log in so we can get moving on our Lich King attempts for 25 man. And with either a few more solid attempts or a few more nights, I think we will see the downfall of the Lich King. Hopefully by the end of June. Maybe.
Summer doldrums stink big time.
But as a plus, you all get a new comic! Hurray!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
It was a bad stomach day all around
So I may or may not be exploring the world of something that has been released for special people. It may or may not be incredibly nifty and incredibly prone to crash a lot.
Maybe more on that later.
We press on and work things out. And deal with stupid ugly bosses like the one above. I feel kinda bad because just when I was letting my guard down tonight, thinking "Hell this is easy", both tanks died. That might have been my fault. Might being the operative word.
Regardless, we 22 manned most of ICC 25 tonight much to the dismay of our lovely tank. He's great though. I think I'm rambling. I'm also pretty tired and should have gone to bed earlier but due to an old friend popping up online I stayed up to chat and 'chat' (read: roleplay). I also may or may not have been exploring that awesome program that I might have gotten an invitation to.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Sad News
We lost our raid leader and dear friend, Cameron "Feolas" Pope Tuesday night/Wednesday morning. It was sudden and it feels raw and almost like a joke (though he is not the kind of person to pull such a prank). I have been in many raids, with many leaders, and I can honestly say that this one person was the best I've had. He was quiet, but firm with the people who needed scolding. He didn't tolerate shit, but was patient with learning nights and offered encouragement when we needed it. And I hope that he finds peace now and I hope that his family and real world friends will find comfort in one another.
And fuck if now we really have to kill the Lich King now, if only for Feo.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Val'kyr Trash
Oh trash. What fun you sometimes are.
Sweet Blueberry Wine, you are delicious and make even the (now) blandest of instances fresh and exciting.
Oh bed. You lure me in with your promises of warm blankets and a very sexy body to sleep next to.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Precious and Stinky: The Pets of Icecrown
They technically aren't bosses because they don't drop badges, but they're named and, in my humble opinion, adorable. I mean, who can resist an abomination dog named Stinky or Precious. I wants one. I'm sure my husband and my two very particular cats would protest. Okay, maybe you can resist them. BUT I CAN'T!
In other news, I've been reading Pride and Prejudice and Zombies and I'm really really enjoying it. Jane Austen can roll over in her grave all she wants. I'm looking forward to reading "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter" which I acquired at the same time as the first book.
Things may have been delayed due to a camping trip which took place that was quite enjoyable. Hooray camping! We also had running water and flush toilets so that might have aided in the enjoyment aspect of the experience. The beach trip the next day was also great.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Blood Power is Inevitable
So this is for my turkey friend who is one of the few who bugs me to keep this updated.
Here's to you, Weasel.
In May I will be participating in WritodeMayo, which is a Livejournal communities 6 month response to NaNoWriMo. My goal for that will be to post every other day to this comic. So there should be lots more posts shortly.
Friday, April 16, 2010
I'm on a Boat!
Yeah yeah, delay, excuses, blah blah blah.
I really don't care because I itch too much. Something bit me, or I'm reacting to something, I don't know what, but I'm having some kind of allergic reaction. It's just lovely.
The point is, this fight is just dying for people to start singing their renditions of "on a boat". We, in our raid, like to RP walk up the gangway while playing the theme from Top Gun. It's only appropriate
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
There are a few different strategies that I've heard of being employed for this fight. Say what you will, I just illustrated the one that we use.
Also... is there any number you can call to complain about traffic light glitches. Adding to my already bitchy mood today, it took 5 cycles of traffic lights I had to sit through before there was another left turn out of the Zoo. I mean really, there was a whole line of cars leading back up the drive, blocking everything. So far as I could see the front car was at the line... but as it was I was stuck at a light for 20 min because someone screwed up. And I was feeling bitchy enough that now I want to call and bitch someone out for it. The turn is awful enough as it is when the opposite side makes rights on red when you have the left light.
Can you tell I have a slight road rage issue?
Friday, March 26, 2010
We're Boned!
The potential for dirty jokes in this fight is nearly endless. I mean, with an ability that's called Bonestorm, and a bunch of generally single males with few ladies, where else will everyone's mind go but straight to the gutter. I know where mine went. But college generally sunk me down and I never really left. It's kind of cozy there and I enjoy the company.
But aside from that, the fight is cake. Have fun and enjoy the innuendo.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
3 for 1 Special
There has been more of a delay in posting than I wanted but my college roommate got married and I was out of town for a few days and without major internet access outside of my phone. I really need to get a laptop. That would be... ideal. Technically I have one currently, but my husband's phone is more powerful than my old Toshiba behemoth. But the wedding was lovely, especially the getting together with friends you haven't seen in a while part and the dancing all night until your feet ache bit. Wonderful times.
And now, I am watching Farscape, because I never did when it was airing. I've exhausted Hulu (I think, at least with the things I'm willing to try) and have moved on to Netflix. There's a lot of MST3K on the queue. And if the husband ever finishes watching Chuck and sends those DVDs back, I can watch a few other things. Hurray life.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Death is No Escape!
Now, while this fight is a bit of a bitch, the RP and lore surrounding her and the quest to reforge Quel'Dalar is pretty awesomely epic. If you ever get lucky enough to get the drop, or have the absurd amounts of gold to buy the quest item I highly recommend you complete it on at least one character. Totally worth it.
Also, we might be late to the game, but I finally have the defeat of Algalon, at least on 10 man. So. Awesome. And so bloody satisfying too after bashing my head against the wall of Algie for months on end. Hurray for returning and totally outgearing the fight to save the world.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Destrrroooooooy You!
Oh God, Sindragosa. Probably the worst voice acting in the history of voice acting, unless you count the awfulness that was the movie version of Phantom of the Opera. But that might be a little off topic.
But yes, Sindragosa, pity the 10 mans with only one ranged DPS who will always get the debuff and their dps will suffer for it as a result. 25man isn't much better. The fight only starts at 35%. Everything before that is just a pain.
Monday, March 15, 2010
We Got this Guys....
So dealing with a migraine is less than pleasant. Nice pain relief, however, is a blessing.
Many thanks to my coworker, a druid by the name of Earthmidget for many of these ideas. It helped make a boring day not so boring after all.
My brain is still quite fuzzy so I think I'll end it here.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
In No Particular Order...
Ah the Arthas fight. The one thing I've been bashing my head in over for the past few weeks. The one thing I'd be pretty satisfied with saying "Hey, I defeated the Lich King" and then quitting gaming altogether. My husband would both love this and hate this because he wants me to not play WoW... but alternatively would likely begrudge the fate of the PS3 because I would want to finish DragonAge, leaving him not being able to shoot things up in Modern Warfare 2.
However, in his eagerness to get me to quit WoW, he just stated he would relinquish control of the PS3. I think he'd regret this move.
Enjoy this one. There will be more!
The Bosses Blizzard Never Warned you About...
Welcome to TBD, otherwise known as To Be Determined because I am fail when it comes to making up crazy names on the spot. Hopefully this shall become a regular thing. That is my desire. And I have a lot of desires.
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